Salt Lake County Centre for the Arts Owner’s Counsel


AMS has been actively involved in arts development in Greater Salt Lake since 2008 when we were engaged by the County’s Center for the Arts to prepare a Cultural Facilities Master Plan to guide investments in capital facilities for the next decade. One outcome of that process was a new downtown performing arts facility focused on touring Broadway and popular entertainment. In 2010, AMS was engaged by developers Garfield Traub Swisher to provide a detailed market analysis, operating recommendations, and financial projections for the proposed venue.

AMS investigated programming, area demographics and competitive environment, operating finances, and the impact on existing venues. AMS also compared activity with similar markets, identified gaps and alternate programming, studied ownership and operating models, and provided alternate operational and financial models for implementation. The recommended approach was a joint development project with operation by the Center for the Arts (CFA).

AMS also supported the City and County as they developed a 20-year Interlocal Agreement which created sales tax-based funding for increased visibility of arts and culture in Salt Lake’s Cultural Core. From 2013 to 2016, AMS assisted the County in implementing the new theater, and supported the growth and evolution of CFA. This work included organizational design and readiness, inter-agency coordination, project development counsel and management planning.

The Eccles Theater opened in October 2016. AMS supported CFA through the first six months of operations post-opening as the new facility was incorporated into its business operations.

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