Proctors Theatre Market Analysis of the Capital Region


AMS Planning & Research was engaged by Proctors to conduct primary and secondary market research to identify regional participation and penetration rates, as well as consumer interests and purchasing habits.

To understand participation and penetration, AMS analyzed patron files from Proctors, the REP, and Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, ultimately identifying and separating patrons into five subgroups. AMS then used Claritas’s PRIZM Premier consumer segmentation tool to illustrate the demographics, psychographics and lifestyle behaviors of these subgroups. Using current attenders as a baseline, AMS determined market potential and cross-referenced penetration with potential to identify opportunities for investment.

The community survey built on secondary research to inform regional interests and purchasing habits. Over 500 survey respondents revealed important gaps in perception and supply among regional venues and their respective cultural offerings. The survey also informed consumer information gathering habits and purchase trajectory.

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