Cal Performances: Financial Modeling for Future Operations


AMS Planning & Research was engaged by Cal Performances at the University of California – Berkeley to develop a planning tool for future operations.

Working with a Core Study Team that included representation from both Cal Performances and University leadership, AMS completed the process in four phases. First was a robust background review, which culminated in a workshop highlighting preliminary observations. AMS then conducted leadership interviews to confirm Cal Performance’s vision and goals for the future. The Core Study Team reinforced the importance of achieving a “double bottom line:” mission alignment and financial sustainability.

With this background understanding in place, AMS organized Cal Performance’s historic financial data into lines of business to establish a baseline model.

Peer benchmarking and best practice research identified successes and areas for future improvement, illuminating potential areas to focus on for revenue generation and/or expense reduction. AMS then worked with the Core Study Team and University leadership to develop a future scenario that would achieve the desired outcomes.

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